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Top -25 Questions and Answer of Computer Hardware Fundamental Series-01


1. The term ‘Computer’ is derived from……….

a. Latin b. German c. French d. Arabic

2. Who is the inventor of “Difference Engine”?

a. Allen Turing

 b. Charles Babbage

c. Simur Cray

d. Augusta Adaming

3. Who is the father of Computer? 

a. Allen Turing

b. Charles Babbage

c. Simur Cray

d. Augusta Adaming

4. Who is the father of Computer science?

a. Allen Turing

b. Charles Babbage

c. Simur Cray

d. Augusta Adaming

5. Who is the father of personal computer?

a. Edward Robert

b. Allen Turing

c. Charles Babbage

d. None of these

6. A CPU contains

a. a card reader and a printing device

 b. an analytical engine and a control unit

c. a control unit and an arithmetic logic unit

 d. an arithmetic logic unit and a card reader

7. Which of the following controls the process of interaction between the user and the operating system?

a. User interface

 b. Language translator

c. Platform

d. Screen saver

8. The first computers were programmed using

a. assembly language

b. machine language

c. source code

d. object code

9. ……….is a combination of hardware and software that facilitates the sharing of information between computing devices.

a. network

b. peripheral

c. expansion board

d. digital device


10. Coded entries which are used to gain access to a computer system are called

a. Entry codes

 b. Passwords

 c. Security commands

d. Code words

11. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Minicomputer works faster than Microcomputer

 b. Microcomputer works faster than Minicomputer

c. Speed of both the computers is the same

d. The speeds of both these computers cannot be compared with the speed of advanced

12. You organize files by storing them in

a. archives

 b. folders

c. indexes

d. lists

13. What type of resource is most likely to be a shared common resource in a computer Network?

a. Printers

b. Speakers

c. Floppy disk drives

 d. Keyboards

14. Which device is required for the Internet connection?

a. Joystick

b. Modem

c. CD Drive

d. NIC Card

15. What is a light pen?

a. A Mechanical Input device

b. Optical input device

 c. Electronic input device

d. Optical output device

16. UNIVAC is

a. Universal Automatic Computer

b. Universal Array Computer

c. Unique Automatic Computer

d. Unvalued Automatic Computer

17. CD-ROM stands for

a.Compactable Read Only Memory

b. Compact Data Read Only Memory

c. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory

 d. Compact Disk Read Only Memory


18. ALU is

a. Arithmetic Logic Unit

b. Array Logic Unit

c. Application Logic Unit

d. None of above

19. VGA is

a. Video Graphics Array

b. Visual Graphics Array

c. Volatile Graphics Array

d. Video Graphics Adapter

20. IBM 1401 is

a. First Generation Computer

 b. Second Generation Computer

c. Third Generation Computer

d . Fourth Generation

21. MSI stands for

a. Medium Scale Integrated Circuits

b. Medium System Integrated Circuits

c. Medium Scale Intelligent Circuit

d. Medium System Intelligent Circuit

22. The capacity of 3.5 inch floppy disk is

a. 1.40 MB

 b. 1.44 GB

c. 1.40 GB

d. 1.44 MB

23. WAN stands for

a. Wap Area Network

b. Wide Area Network

c. Wide Array Net

d. Wireless Area Network

24. MICR stands for

a. Magnetic Ink Character Reader

b. Magnetic Ink Code Reader

c. Magnetic Ink Cases Reader

d. None


25. EBCDIC stands for

a. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

b. Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code

c. Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code

d. Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code







1 – A

2 – B

3 – B

4 – A

5- A

6- C

7- A

8- B

9- A

10- B

11- A

12- B

13- A

14- B

15- B

16- A

17- A

18- A

19- A

20- B

21 – A

22 – D

23 – B

24 – A

25 – A








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