MODULE-03(WEB DESIGNING) PART-03 PHP,PYTHAN,CLOUD &DBMS QUESTIONS MCQ:118 Questions With Answers: 01.What PHP stands for? A. Hypertext Preprocessor B. Pre Hypertext Processor C. Pre Hyper Processor D. Pre Hypertext Process ANSWER: D 02.Which of the following tags is not a valid way to begin and end a PHP code block? A.<% %> B.<? ?> C.<?PHP ?> D.<! !> ANSWER: B 03. How does the identity operator === compare two values? A. It converts them to a common compatible data type and then compares the resulting values B. It returns True only if they are both of the same type and value C. If the two values are strings, it performs a lexical comparison D. It bases its comparison on the C strcmp function exclusively E. It converts both values to strings and compares them ANSWER: A 0...
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